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Dear Q, Potty Training

Dear Q,

It has finally happened, that milestone I've imagined for so long, you're pretty much potty trained! I wasn't sure when it would happen. A few of your little friends potty trained right around 2 and I felt like you were behind the curve but I wasn't in a hurry either. Even though I don't love changing diapers, having you in diapers was pretty easy on me.

About a month ago you became very interested all of the sudden and we had about two days of potty peeing and then you became very resistant so I put you back in your diapers and vowed to wait until you were actually ready. Two weeks ago I decided to put the Elmo Potty Time DVD on for the first time and halfway through you said “I want to go peepee on the potty!” so I set out your frog potty and we haven't looked back!

Luckily for me, you have totally bought into our chocolate chip/M&M reward system and you've been going on your own, poop and all, without much reminding on my part. Hallelujah! So far you go almost exclusively on the frog potty so next we will work on going on the big potty. The day where I don't have to deal with your poop besides to flush it will be a very welcome and happy one.

You haven't worn pants at home for two weeks now and you love it. I find it to be hilarious and endearing. Your Daddy is ready for you to start wearing clothes again. 🙂

Going out is definitely more intimidating now since I have to be able to get you to a bathroom, with TT in tow, whenever we go out but I know it will get easier. I'm very excited for you.

So congratulations, big girl! This is such a big step! Hope this isn't too embarrassing for you to read later in life 🙂


All my love,



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