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Dear Baby, 33 weeks 4 days

Dear Little P,
Are things getting a little cramped in there? It seems like I can now feel every little twitch you make whereas before I could only feel the big movements. I feel you stretching and rolling, banging your fists waaaay down low, and trying to push your little foot out of my belly button. That’s not the exit, by the way. I can’t believe that our time together as a unit is coming to an end. I’m ridiculously excited to meet you but I’d be lying if I said that I won’t miss having you safe inside me as an extension of my own body. I can’t believe my body could help create something as unique and amazing as you!
I hope you keep baking for at least 3-4 more weeks but if, by chance, you showed up before then, I think Daddy and I would be ready for you. We have clothes for you to wear (although no teeny tiny clothes so keep growing in there!), a car seat for you, a place for you to sleep and Mommy will be your 24 hour buffet for the first year so we have food covered as well! You’ve got a pretty sweet deal that you’re coming into.
This week we put together more stuff in your room. I wish they made your swing in my size! I’d swing every day! Your stroller is pretty bad ass and your car seat is in Mommy’s favorite color combo, red and black of course! It matches all of our luggage too. 🙂  Seeing all of your gear and imagining you using it makes you seem so much more real as an outside baby!
I keep imagining what you’ll look like when you come out. Even though I’ve always wanted a baby who looks like me, I imagine you with dark hair like your Daddy’s. Maybe you’ll surprise us but I guess I’m going with the most likely scenario here. After the dark hair I get kind of stuck! Will you have Daddy’s full lips? Mommy’s pointy nose? Mommy’s weird toes? Daddy’s long eyelashes? Will your eyes be brown or blue/green? Genetics actually gives you a chance for blue eyes thanks to blue eyed Grandpa Crane! Will you have a Crane butt or a Phelps butt? Will you be a hybrid who makes all of these features completely your own? I can’t wait to see.
You are already the light of our lives, we talk about you constantly and have been dreaming dreams for you since before we ever knew you’d arrive. Keep growing in there, remember you’re supposed to be a July baby and I’m sure you already have a little iPhone calendar going in there so keep your eye on mid to late July, alright?

Love you forever and forever,

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