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    Another thirty-something mama writing about my three and a half year old daughter, my one year old daughter, breastfeeding, birth, car seat safety, motherhood, photography and family. Come see what's going on.

Bringing the Snow Inside!

Here we are again at the start of another year and I am full of good intentions for blogging and keeping up up with our crazy lives. So, here I go again!

The new year brought a blizzard with it and we were trapped inside while our town was buried. What do you do when it’s too awful to play outside? You bring the snow inside!


I set out a bucket, a bunch of bakeware, and a bunch of spoons.  Jan2-2

Q was totally stoked

JanSnow Jan2-3 Jan2-5 Jan2-6 Jan2-9

This activity, like most activities, ended with T trying to climb my legs, which is so cute. Pretty soon she will be walking and she won’t need to pull up on me anymore. I had to snap a shot of those baby blues!

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Dear TT -14 months

Dear TT,

I can’t believe you are 14 months old. Didn’t you just turn one? Time is flying! This year between turning one and two is such a fun time of development and I’m so excited to see what you’re going to do next. Right now you love language and music. You love to sing and dance and you think sign language is awesome, as does the rest of the family. I love communicating with you and I love how excited you become when you learn a new word. I just had to spend 5 days away on a business trip (it was only supposed to be 3 but that is a different story) and you did so well staying home with Daddy and Q. Daddy and I were a bit worried about how you’d do with no breastmilk for so long and no boobs for comfort but you did great. You (finally) mastered a sippy cup and drank lots of water and you ate a lot of yummy food! I was also worried that you might lose interest in nursing after that long without but I worried in vain. You were so glad to be nursing again when I got home and now we are back to our normal routine of 6-8 times a day.

You love to explore and you hate to be left alone. You crawl after anyone who tries to leave the room. You are able to stand on your own without support but you’re not very confident so as soon as you realize you are doing it, you sit down. You’re also able to walk with a push toy or while holding our hands but you’re not very interested since crawling is faster. I expect your first steps in the next few weeks and full on walking in the next few months. Take your time, girlie. That will be a big change for us!

You love your lovey blankies and your little baby doll from Christmas (we call her Pink Baby). You sleep with them at night and for naps. You love balls, climbing on to Q’s bed, jumping on your knees or jumping while holding something, and instruments. You are getting so silly too. You like to play peekaboo and you think it’s hilarious when someone sneezes or knocks down blocks. We just started baby gymnastics and you had fun crawling up inclines and steps.

Spoken Words: Cat, Daddy, Car, Cracker, Hi, Hot, Dog, George, Baby, Eyes, Snow, Water (wawa), Mama, Signing (when we watch Signing Time), Cold, Mmmmmmmm (when eating), Diaper (and if I say “poop” you say “diaper!” haha) Ah-ah-choo (pretend sneezes, you hold tissues on your nose and my nose) and you try to sing along to Happy Birthday and the ABC song. It’s not just nonsense singing either, you say the same “words” every time. It’s so cool! You also try to count along when we count to 10. You are drinking everything in and it’s so cool to watch.

(Sidebar on what counts as a word – you say it spontaneously and in the correct context repeatedly over time. They aren’t perfectly pronounced but you’re a baby, you’ll get there. 🙂 )

Signs: More, all done, milk, baby (though now you say it instead of sign it), eat, dog, cat, cracker.

You bring so much joy to my days!! I love you forever and for always!


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Winter Car Seat Safety Means No Coats!

This post was featured on The Lil' Mamas Blog


It's that time of year again! It's freaking cold outside and we have to figure out how to keep our little ones warm AND safe in their car seats while we are out and about.

The main rules for strapping your child into her seat still apply in the winter so lets start there.

1. The chest clip needs to be at nipple/armpit level.

2. The straps need to be untwisted and TIGHT. They need to be tight enough so that you cannot pinch any slack between your fingers.

TCarSeat Fit

This is where winter complicates things. If a child is strapped into his seat while wearing his winter coat, the straps will not be tight enough to keep him safely in the seat in the event of a crash. Snow suits and winter coats that are thicker than a fleece jacket or a sweater are too bulky to wear under the straps of the seat. In the event of an accident, the coat will compress leaving the straps too loose. Here's a video example of how loose straps become when a coat is compressed.

I'm a little embarrassed to share this but I actually let Q ride in the car like this one time before I knew better! I thought that because the suit had a pass through for the crotch buckle that it was OK to use in the car. I didn't think about how loose I had to make the straps to buckle her in!

Q Snowsuit

So how are you supposed to keep your kids warm AND safe?

1. Warm up the car before you put them in. Let it run with the heat full blast while you herd them out the door. You'll be more comfortable too!

2. Layer a fleece or sweater under the winter coat so your child is still warm when you take the coat off. Take the heavy coat off when you get to the car, buckle the child in and then she can use the heavy coat either as a lap blanket or some kids like to put the coat on backwards. Children's Place 3 in 1 coats are my favorite because because they have a thin, warm under layer that easily combines with the heavier outer layer to create a great coat for playing outside.

3. Keep lap blankets in the car for your kids. My older daughter asks for a blanket every trip, even when it's not that cold, because she likes to be snuggly warm in the car.


4. Buy or make a car seat poncho. You strap them in under the poncho and there is no material between the child and the seat. I made them for my girls this year and I'm in love. My 13 month old daughter wears it from the house to the car, then in car, and then from the car into preschool to drop off her big sister. She is so toasty warm under the poncho that I warm my hands under it while I carry her.


If you don't sew, you could easily just take a fleece blanket, cut a hole in it and and put it over the child in the car. You don't NEED a hood, it's just handy for little ones who like to take off hats!

5. For younger babies you can use a car seat cover that fits over the outside of the seat. Do NOT use a cover that puts a layer of fabric between your baby and the seat. Those covers interfere with how the straps fit the baby and, in many cases, putting any after market product between your baby and the seat will void the warranty of the seat. Don't do it!

That's pretty much it! Stay warm and stay safe this winter!



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tina - August 24, 2014 - 10:16 AM

I didn’t know this n with a newborn coming in Jan very informative

Jennifer - January 28, 2015 - 8:53 AM

I love your carseat poncho! Do you happen to have a tutorial or instructions you would share? I need to make one for my daughter. Thank you!

Jeanette hunter - November 20, 2017 - 12:09 PM

I would like pattern/ tutorial for your car seat poncho.

Janet toohey - June 12, 2019 - 7:55 PM

I would like directions on how make car seat poncho

Sharon Baska - November 2, 2023 - 2:29 PM

Love to make on for my grandson

The Elves Have Arrived!

Earlier this fall I was able to find two Elf on the Shelf elves for a ridiculous price. I was planning to sell one but ended up keeping both so our house now has two elves! My dad has a silly nickname for Q, Snicklefritz, and I’ve thought for a long time that it would be a great elf name so that one was decided before Q met him but we left the other elf nameless for her. Today, the day after thanksgiving, the elves greeted Q with a breakfast of snow covered donuts from the North Pole and a letter about how they are here to watch and report to Santa. Our elves are only reporting positive behaviors like kindness, being sweet, polite, and doing nice thing for others. I don’t like the creepy “big brother” vibe of the idea of elves reporting every naughty thing that kids do. So, without further ado. After several suggestions Q said we should name the elf TT “like my sister!” lol. We kept suggesting until her eyes lit up and we knew we had a great name. Here are our elves, Snicklefritz and Fancy, and their breakfast from the North Pole!  Elf Collage



Elf Collage 2

I doubt that our elves will be Pinterest-worthy all month long but I think we will have a lot of fun and that’s what’s important! Happy Holidays!

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