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    Another thirty-something mama writing about my three and a half year old daughter, my one year old daughter, breastfeeding, birth, car seat safety, motherhood, photography and family. Come see what's going on.

Dear Q – 9 months

Dear Q,

How in the world are you already nine months old? Seriously? I keep asking myself how you got so big so fast and the only answer I can come up with is that someone must have sped up the clock since July 4th.

Despite this time warp feeling, I enjoy my time with you so much. I’m so thankful that I am able to stay at home with you. I can’t image being away from you every day and only seeing you at night and on weekends. I know how fortunate I am to be in this situation and I don’t take it for granted!

Right now you’re a happy little girl about 85% of the time. You love to sit and play with your toys and anything I hand to you. You have a fondness for remote controls, paper, cords, spoons and crinkly bags. You and George are best friends and you love Stella, even though she rarely comes within three feet of you. You now announce when you see someone with a loud “HEH!”. It’s the same noise for the cats and for Daddy and then you look at me to make sure I see what you’re talking about. I love it. You get so excited when you see Daddy that you nearly leap out of my arms to get to him. I can’t wait until you can crawl and then run to him. My heart bursts with love just thinking about it!

You are right on the cusp of being mobile and I can tell that it’s driving you nuts to not be quite able to move the way you want to. When you are on your tummy you scoot yourself backwards and you get so mad! You’re finally rolling consistently as well. My bet is that you’ll be crawling before the end of the month. Daddy and I have some baby proofing to do!

From tracing pictures in books, to poking each button on my shirt, to tapping my teeth when I smile, you explore everything with your pointer fingers. You’re interested in every nook and cranny of whatever crosses your path. You aren’t pointing things out yet but I think you’re close. We have so much fun exploring things together.

After 9 months of having you in our room, we’re working on transitioning you to your own room. You used to nurse all night long but we’ve learned in the past few days that you are able to go the entire night without nursing, which is pretty amazing to me! Daddy has been taking care of all night wakings in hopes that when you figure out you’re not going to be fed, you’ll start sleeping longer stretches. So far so good and I’m so proud of you! It seems to be a silly thing of which to be proud but I’m a mom, I can’t help it.

While I think you’re more than ready to be in your own room, I will miss you. I wouldn’t trade one minute of our cosleeping cuddling for anything. (awww, I’m tearing up!) I think cosleeping has been a big part of making you the calm and secure person you are. People comment all the time on how relaxed you are and when we were on vacation for 10 days you only cried ONE time. That makes me feel good as a parent and makes me glad to have such an awesome kid.

I’m also very happy with our breastfeeding relationship, we both love babywearing (the best place in the world is next to Mommy!) and using Baby Led Weaning was the perfect choice for us. It’s pretty awesome seeing parenting decisions paying off and working out the way you had always hoped.

So, Muffin, to summarize, you are awesome. I’m so thankful to have you in my life as my number one girl. We have so much to look forward to. I hope this time warp slows down a little bit. I want to savor your babyness before you become a little girl and I know that time is running out.

I love you more than anything!


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Dear Q – 7 months

Dear Q,

Today marked 7 months since the night you came into this world and changed my life forever. It wasn’t our best day, or our worst. I’m trying to finish editing this wedding and I hate taking time away from you to do it. You don’t like it too much either. If you had it your way, I’d be within reach at all times.

You can sit up by yourself now which is so cool. You act like it’s no big thing. You’ve gotten to the point where you can sit for 15-20 minutes without tipping over. I keep you surrounded with pillows just in case though! You don’t seem too interested in rolling. You only do it when you really want something. I’m ok with you playing in one spot! Your favorite toy right now is your dragonfly. You also like Sophie the giraffe despite the fact that she has lost her squeak!

Anything and everything goes into your mouth right now. We’ve been blaming “teething” for your cranky spells for the past 3 months but there are no teeth yet! You do act like you’re uncomfortable though so we let you chew on our knuckles and frozen teethers.

Overall you’re a very smiley, happy girl. You love bath time, standing up, dancing around with Mommy, petting George and when Mommy sings to you. You’re aware of everything going on these days. You’re fascinated by the noises things make like the heat kicking on or the (scary) vacuum! It’s amazing to watch you learn about our world.

Sleep is still not where I’d like it to be but we’re working on it. Some nights, like tonight, you just need to be close to your mommy & I breathe in your sweet baby goodness as you sleep on my chest. I know these days of chest sleeping are numbered & I’m trying to remember to enjoy these moments even if it means my night doesn’t go as planned.

One of my friends on Twitter is newly pregnant & it got me thinking about the first time I saw you on an ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnant. You were just a tiny speck on the screen and I knew I loved you even then. You’ve grown from that tiny speck into a little person who is such a wonderful addition to this big old world. You are so special to me. I’ve loved you from the moment you were conceived in my imagination, and then in my womb and then in my heart.

Happy 7 month birthday, Muffin.



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Q’s Birth Story

The story starts 7/2 at my 37 week appointment when my OB told me that it would be to my advantage to have this baby ASAP, like, this weekend if possible. He guessed she was already 7 lbs and was only going to get bigger. We kind of laughed him off because as we all know, the baby will come when s/he is ready. That night we decided to go for a long walk by the lake, 4 miles to be exact, and when I got home I had my bloody show. I told S that things might be getting started and he said “We should go to bed right away!” I said, “We should stay up and pack the hospital bags!” He went to bed early, I stayed up till 1:00am googling ‘bloody show’ and talking to my online girlfriends about whether or not it meant something.

My water broke at 9:30 AM, on 7/3 I had gotten up and was planning to go for another walk but that didn’t happen! It was just a small gush of clear fluid after I stood up from using the toilet but I knew my water broke. I could tell this was vaginal, not pee like lots of people think and I actually thought it was blood before checking. I actually smelled it to make sure it wasn’t pee, but that was a bad idea because it just smelled like dirty underwear. LOL.  I called my OB and she said to come to Labor and Delivery to be checked. Of course S wasn’t home and wasn’t answering his phone. He had gone into work to finish up a project and I called him no less than ten times before he answered. We also hadn’t packed our hospital bags so there was some scrambling! I finally got a hold of S and told him he needed to come home, then I showered and shaved my legs (this seemed important), then packed my bag. We went to the hospital at 11:00 and drove through my favorite fast food restaurant, Portillo’s on the way. I ended up being a bit too keyed up to really eat but I’m glad we stopped. 🙂


We arrived at the hospital at 12:00, went to triage where they confirmed that my water had broken. We sat there until 2:00, in total disbelief that this was actually happening! In Triage they hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor, a contraction monitor and blood pressure cuff. I wasn’t contracting at all, even though my water had been broken for 4+ hours.


Around 2:00 they took us up to the Labor and Delivery Floor. They inserted an IV into my hand to administer 1. Fluids, 2. Antibiotics (I was positive for Group B Strep) and 3. Pitocin to start contractions. The first IV attempt was a massive fail and left me with a softball sized bruise and blood sprayed all over the floor but the 2nd try worked. They asked me a bazillion questions and then the Anesthesiologist came in to ask me questions and confirm my desire for an epidural at some point. They talked us through the procedure and said to call whenever I was ready. Looking back, if I had known that there was no reason to start pitocin immediately I would have waited. I hadn’t expected to be in the position I was in and I wasn’t prepared.


At 3:30 they started the Pitocin drip and I started walking the halls with S. I wanted to be on my feet as long as possible since the bed in the room was NOT comfortable! I also asked them to bring a birthing ball for me to sit on when I came back.


Pitocin made the contractions come hard and fast. Within 15 minutes I was contracting every 2 minutes and they were about 45 seconds long. (I was tracking on my iPhone haha)  They felt like intense menstrual cramps and rapidly became strong enough that I couldn’t talk through them. I used S to lean on during them and the nurse applied counter pressure to my hips which was REALLY helpful. After about an hour of walking I went back to the room and labored on the ball while watching a movie. Steve was a big help, even though it was hard to watch him enjoying the movie while I was in so much pain.


They had cleared me to have ‘clear fluids’ so I was drinking water this whole time. I had some apple juice too but it made me nauseated so that was bad. Since I wasn’t allowed to eat I asked that no one eat in the room and no one was allowed to talk about food either.


At 5:30 I had had enough of the pain so I asked for the epidural. I asked for it as soon as I thought I might want it because I didn’t know how long it would take for them to get to me. It took about 45 minutes for them to get to me because there was an emergency on the floor.


The epidural/spinal went really quickly. S had to leave the room to keep things sterile but the nurse helped me sit still during the contractions. All I felt was a little prick when they numbed my back and the relief was immediate. My legs felt a bit warm and heavy but I wasn’t totally numb, I could still move and was in control of my legs (altho I wouldn’t have tried to stand or anything though). After the epi they inserted a catheter and I was set.


After that I pretty much just hung out for a few hours. T and Mom drove up from KY and arrived around 7:00 and my dad came in from the suburbs to hang out with us. They were there from 7-10 and it helped to pass the time! By 10:00 I was EXHAUSTED. Even though you can’t feel the contractions your body is still working really hard so you get tired. I kicked everyone out at 10:00 and tried to sleep.


Before my family left, at 9:00, a resident checked my cervix and I was only 3cm and 50% effaced. So, it was apparent to me that this was going to be a 4th of July baby. That helped me with the decision to go to sleep because I knew she wasn’t coming any time soon.


Steve and I slept from 10-1. He was out like a light, I was less comfortable but I got some good rest. The beds in labor and delivery are not made for resting, they are made to push babies out. It was kind of like sitting on a padded table. Also, despite the fact that they had at least 7 empty rooms on the floor they kept trying to tell me that they didn’t have any more pillows. Also, they wanted me to switch the side I was lying on every 1.5 hours and every time I switched sides I’d puke. Fun! I started getting a migraine during this time and spiked a fever. I found out later that a fever is a very common side effect of epidurals.


Around midnight my epidural started to wear off just in the right side of my abdomen so I was starting to feel contractions again. They were really strong and I had to breathe through them. I told the nurse that I could feel them again and they decided to check me again before upping my medication. Well, Voila, I was complete! They actually didn’t believe that I had dilated 7 centimeters in just 4 hours so they had two people check and I was ready to go. So I woke Steve up and told him it was TIME (just like in the movies haha) It was definitely surreal!


It ended up being helpful to be able to feel the contractions again when it was time to push because I had a better sense of timing.


Once they figured out I was ready to push they called the doctor who was on call and 20 minutes later I was pushing! I only pushed for 40 minutes, which was apparently really short for a first timer. I asked for a mirror for the end of the bed so I could see her head coming down. It was helpful to have something to focus on but they moved it when she actually came out so I didn’t get to see that 🙁 Annoying


Towards the end she was showing signs of distress so they told me that if I wasn’t able to get her out in the next 2 contractions they would need to use forceps. I remember that I didn’t really understand why and we briefly discussed vacuum vs forceps. The threat of having my baby pulled out of me was enough to make me push as hard as I possibly could and I pushed her out 2 contractions later. I actually reached down and touched her and helped to guide her out. That was awesome. Next time I’d like to do that and take her/him straight to my chest.


Since she came so fast my birth canal and perineum weren’t able to stretch as much has they should have so I ended up with a third degree tear that they had to stitch up. NOT recommended. It took over 45 minutes to stitch me back up, it was scarring.


I had wanted to take the baby to my chest and try to breastfeed right away but since I had a fever during labor and was positive for Group B strep, they had to take her to the NICU for a 48 hour observation to make sure she didn’t have any sort of infection. (This was the bad part of my experience.) So, when she came out, S announced the sex but was not able to cut the cord because she was still in distress and not crying. The Dr cut the cord and they took her to the warming station, suctioned her, etc until she cried. Time pretty much stopped for me until she cried!


Q was born at 2:01am on 7/4/10, 7lbs 1oz, 21.5 inches.


Luckily for me the team from the NICU took a long time to come down (this became a theme with them, everything taking a really long time) and take her so I was able to hold her and meet her for about 10 minutes. It was priceless. I’m so glad I was able to hold her before they took her away. I would have been an absolute mess if they had just taken her. Then they took her upstairs and I was stitched up (TONS of stitches). They wouldn’t let S go with her even though I wanted him to stay with her. (I still don’t understand. Babies shouldn’t have to be separated from their parents.) We called our families and other friends. It was 2:00am so we didn’t call too many people!


Once they were done with me they took us up to our room on the recovery floor and we stopped by the NICU to see her. S got to hold her for the first time there. I’m glad I realized that he hadn’t ever held her or else he would have had to wait even longer. It was really hard to leave her there. They had already fed her an ounce of formula because her blood sugar was low. This upset me but I let it go. I told them I didn’t want them to give her any more formula and that I would be breastfeeding her from now on. They encouraged me to go sleep instead but I refused. I went upstairs, my awesome nurse made me an ice diaper, I slept for 45 minutes and went back down to the NICU to try to feed her. That was when we were really able to ‘meet’ her for the first time, with no time limits.

The difficult part for me was trying to go back and forth from my room to the NICU (2 floors apart) for my meals & meds and also trying to be with Q as much as possible. The hospital did NOT make it easy. They wouldn’t send food down to the NICU and if you weren’t in your room, they would not leave the food for you so I was screwed out of a couple of meals. You shouldn’t have to choose between feeding yourself and feeding your child at one of the BEST WOMEN’S HOSPITALS IN THE USA.

There was one time when they called my room to tell me she was crying and I started down to the NICU (you know, in my wheelchair, pulling along my IV pole with my torn up vagina) and by the time I arrived they had already fed her two ounces of formula. I just about lost it.

Also, thank goodness that I knew that I should start pumping if I had to be away from my baby. I had to ask for pumping equipment and figure it all out for myself. What happens when a woman doesn’t already understand what it takes to establish supply?

I’m happy to say that Q only had a total of 3oz of formula and only in the first 24 hours. The rest of her food came from me, even when I was just pumping colostrum for her. I was lucky and my milk came in on day 2 so since she was getting volume, they didn’t bug me about supplementing. The nurses DID push me to feed her on their 3 hour schedule though and if she slept through a feeding at the breast they’d tell me I needed to stop trying so it wouldn’t mess up the next feeding. That drove me fucking crazy. I couldn’t just hold my baby without a nurse looking over my shoulder and judging what I was doing. We had zero privacy except for when I’d try to nurse then they’d try to prop all of these screens around me and put me in this tiny little box. I told them multiple times that I didn’t want the screens and I didn’t care who saw. It’s the fucking NICU, shouldn’t it be nursing friendly??

Ok, lots of anger is surfacing again so I need to stop. I’ll just say that I could not have been happier to get out of there. (Our discharge time was 11:47PM if that tells you anything about how long it took them to get around to us.) Plus, by the time she was discharged I had been discharged for a day and 1/2 and since I wasn’t resting or laying down like I should have been, I was developing a HUGE vaginal hematoma that took 12 weeks to heal. Awesome. :-/

I always wondered how some women can be so upset/angry about their birth experiences afterwards but now I get it. I still have a lot of negative emotion when I think about the second and third day we were there. Hopefully I’ll be able to work through it and not still be upset a year or years later like some women are.

I don’t feel like I was ‘robbed’ of anything like some people do. The labor and delivery part was really great. My hospital stay and recovery period have been REALLY hard for me though. I wouldn’t wish our experience on anyone. Intense pain, every day, for weeks on end, will wear the strongest person down, you know?

The great news is that I have an amazing daughter who was not adversely effected by any of this. She’s happy and HEALTHY and safe and that’s all that really matters.

Thanks for letting me share. I wish it was more uplifting but that’s just not the case. Can’t wait until I’m actually healed from this, physically and emotionally. It will be great to move forward. One day at a time!

Kangaroo Care in the NICU 4 hours after birth.

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Dear Baby, 33 weeks 4 days

Dear Little P,
Are things getting a little cramped in there? It seems like I can now feel every little twitch you make whereas before I could only feel the big movements. I feel you stretching and rolling, banging your fists waaaay down low, and trying to push your little foot out of my belly button. That’s not the exit, by the way. I can’t believe that our time together as a unit is coming to an end. I’m ridiculously excited to meet you but I’d be lying if I said that I won’t miss having you safe inside me as an extension of my own body. I can’t believe my body could help create something as unique and amazing as you!
I hope you keep baking for at least 3-4 more weeks but if, by chance, you showed up before then, I think Daddy and I would be ready for you. We have clothes for you to wear (although no teeny tiny clothes so keep growing in there!), a car seat for you, a place for you to sleep and Mommy will be your 24 hour buffet for the first year so we have food covered as well! You’ve got a pretty sweet deal that you’re coming into.
This week we put together more stuff in your room. I wish they made your swing in my size! I’d swing every day! Your stroller is pretty bad ass and your car seat is in Mommy’s favorite color combo, red and black of course! It matches all of our luggage too. 🙂  Seeing all of your gear and imagining you using it makes you seem so much more real as an outside baby!
I keep imagining what you’ll look like when you come out. Even though I’ve always wanted a baby who looks like me, I imagine you with dark hair like your Daddy’s. Maybe you’ll surprise us but I guess I’m going with the most likely scenario here. After the dark hair I get kind of stuck! Will you have Daddy’s full lips? Mommy’s pointy nose? Mommy’s weird toes? Daddy’s long eyelashes? Will your eyes be brown or blue/green? Genetics actually gives you a chance for blue eyes thanks to blue eyed Grandpa Crane! Will you have a Crane butt or a Phelps butt? Will you be a hybrid who makes all of these features completely your own? I can’t wait to see.
You are already the light of our lives, we talk about you constantly and have been dreaming dreams for you since before we ever knew you’d arrive. Keep growing in there, remember you’re supposed to be a July baby and I’m sure you already have a little iPhone calendar going in there so keep your eye on mid to late July, alright?

Love you forever and forever,

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Dear Baby, 29 weeks

Dear Baby,

Wow, this letter is LONG overdue! It’s 7:00am on Mother’s Day and I’ve been up for a few hours now. You’ve decided that now is a perfect time to have a dance party in my belly so it’s hard to go back to sleep! I love feeling you move around in there. I lift up my shirt and watch my belly jump around. It’s pretty bizarre but also fascinating. Daddy has felt you rolling around in there and he said it feels like you are a professional swimmer doing flip turns. I thought that was such a funny analogy.

Your favorite place to hang out right now is up in my ribs on the right side. That’s where I feel you kicking the most, and the punches come on the lower left side. You always kick more than you punch but sometimes, like this morning, you do both at the same time and my whole belly shakes. I can see how people miss this feeling after the baby is born. I love having you with me 24 hours a day and I love that I can keep you safe. Keep growing in there, ok?

We are in the process of moving out of our current apartment in Wicker Park into our new apartment in Uptown. We have loved living here but there just isn’t enough room for you! This apartment was our first apartment together. We adopted our cats, George and Stella, here. Daddy asked me to marry him in this living room! We planned our wedding here and we dreamed about having a baby here. It’s been a fantastic 3.75 years in this place, part of me can’t believe it’s ending.

But with every ending, there is a new beginning. We are so excited about our new place. We probably won’t be there long enough for you to remember it on your own but we’ll be sure to take lots of pictures. Daddy and some of our friends painted your bedroom and our bedroom last weekend. The result was a Tiffany Blue look in your room and a more sea greenish/blue look in our room, because there is so much more light in there. I think the wall color will look great with your crib that we just ordered. Pretty soon you’re going to have furniture and you’re not even here yet! How strange! We have already hung up some of your clothes in your closet and they look so cute hanging there!
I’ve been looking around at rugs and wall decorations as well. I’m trying not to be too girly in the decor, even though I still think you’re a girl. I know if you’re a boy you won’t mind a girly room for several years, and the nursery is more for me than for you, but I feel like it’s a good idea to wait and try to give you a say in the decorations. 🙂

I’ve been feeling really good the past few months but I think I’m starting to slow down a bit. You very rarely let me ‘forget’ that I’m pregnant anymore! You’re as much a part of me as any other part of my body right now. I love my belly though, even if it sometimes gets in the way when I forget how wide I am! When Daddy and I were in Mexico a few weeks ago I spent a good deal of time just watching my belly and seeing you move around. It’s better than TV! My belly button is stretching out which is bizarre but kind of funny. Daddy likes looking at my belly too, even though he’s not always patient enough to watch long enough to see it move around. He kisses you goodnight every night and gives me belly rubs, I hope you can feel them too. He doesn’t like when I poke you in there though, haha. I think it’s fun to try to make you kick me, he doesn’t want to bother you.

Even though we’ve seen you on ultrasound and I feel you every day, it’s still hard to imagine what you will be like when you arrive. I picture your cousins O and A when they were newborns and I wonder if you’ll look anything like them. Most babies look like their fathers at birth, but I wonder if you’ll look like me too. I secretly hope so. I’m sure you’ll be a good mix of the two of us. I’m also hoping that you will inherit our laid back attitude. Our mothers tell us that we were both very calm and easy babies, so feel free to follow in our footsteps! Despite all of the wondering about you, I feel very connected to you. Some women say they feel like they have trouble bonding with their babies when they don’t know the sex of the child. I haven’t experienced that. You’re already such a fixture in our lives, I feel like I already know you a little bit. It’s kind of a silly analogy, but very appropriate for me, right now I feel like you’re almost like one of my many online friends. I know a lot about you, I interact with you all of the time, but I still haven’t met you in person. And even though you’re not *here*, I don’t feel alone because I have you around.

We have so much to do before you arrive so feel free to stay put for at least another 10 weeks. I know you’ll come whenever you are ready but there’s really no rush. 🙂  I may be eating these words when I hit 36 weeks or so but I know that my belly is the best place for you right now!

Well, Baby, I’ve reached the rambling point in my letter writing. Thanks for being you and being my little squirmy worm in there. I love knowing that you’re happy and healthy and growing. This adventure with you has already been such an amazing experience and the best is yet to come.

I love you to the moon and back.

Yours always,

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