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Dear Baby 3 – 9 weeks

Dear Baby 3,

You gave mommy a scare today!! Last night I had some bleeding and we didn’t know what was happening. For the whole night and most of the day we thought we might be losing you. Thankfully, as soon as the ultrasound came up on the screen we saw your heartbeat, steady and sure. You were dancing around in there, happy as can be! Not a care in the world. As it should be. The bleeding was something minor and should go away on its own, thank goodness. I know too many mommies and babies who have had different outcomes.
I’m elated to continue to carry you for several more months. I still feel sick every day and I’m tired as all get out but I’m happy. I’m so happy to have you in there!

Q swears you are a girl but my friends say you must be a boy. What a wonderful surprise this will be when when we find out! Please hang tight and try not to cause too much trouble! A mama’s heart can only take so much.

I love you and can’t wait to feel your little taps and kicks inside me in a few weeks!

Forever yours,


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