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Dear T – 3 weeks old

Dear T-

It’s the middle of the night and you are three weeks old. I’ve been staring at your sleeping face for the past 15 minutes by the light of the Christmas tree and memorizing your beautiful baby face. Days are so busy around here. I just want to hold and snuggle you all say but I can’t. So I stay up when I should be sleeping and I drink you in. You are perfection and I’m so glad you have joined our family. We waited so long to meet you and I imagined you for so long and now you’re here in the flesh and I couldn’t love you more.

I can’t believe it’s already been three weeks.

You’ve gained a few pounds and added more delicious rolls to your chunky thighs. You have beautiful blue eyes, light brown, downy hair and little elfin ears that stick out just at the top. You’ve been a pretty cross eyed newbie so far but that’s starting to go away too. It’s really funny to look at though. Over all you are SUCH good baby. I’m so thankful for that. You love to sleep, you’re a good eater and, since we figured out how to get you to deeply latch, nursing has been a breeze (for the most part). You’re very good at expressing yourself when you’re just DONE being awake and you like to be swaddled up and walked around with your head nestled under my chin until you fall asleep. Sometimes that takes a few minutes, other times it takes an hour or more.

I knew from the time when I first felt you move inside me that you were a mover and a shaker. You want to be in motion all the time and you sleep best either in the Rock ‘n Play or the swing. Well, actually you sleep BEST best on Mommy but your longest naps away from me are in those devices. Sleeping on your back in your crib has not been successful. It’s too flat and too stationary for your tastes. Luckily for you, your crib is side carred to  our bed so I just scoot you over next to me and usually you’re good to go. We are starting to get the hang of side-lying nursing too. It’s hard with big boobs and a tiny newborn mouth to find. Haha. It’s also killer on my back if I’m not in the right position so, like I said, we’re working on it. Practice makes perfect. Before I know it you’ll be able to find my nipple in the dark from across the room. Time goes so quickly.

You will not take a pacifier, which is good in theory but not so good in practice since you LOVE to suck and when you try to comfort nurse when you’re upset you get even more angry when milk comes out. So, we’re working on it. It’s not usually a big issue but then when it’s 3:00am and nothing will calm you down I find myself REALLY wishing you’d suck on a darn paci. 🙂

We have so much to look forward to but right now I’m just trying to soak in this newborn goodness while it’s here. I can’t wait for you to start smiling and laughing and making eye contact but I know I’m going to miss this time so much when it’s gone. You might be my last baby so I’m trying to take in every moment like it could be the last time I get to do this. (cue tears!) Obviously by the time you read this you will know whether or not you were the last baby but right now, that all remains to be seen.

I’m so glad you have joined our family. I love you more and more each passing minute. Welcome to this world, sweet girl.



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