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7 Weeks Pregnant

Barf Barf Barf Barf.

No picture this week, I couldn’t get pulled together enough to go take one. This has been ROUGH.

Weeks pregnant: 7

Weight Gain: I’m really bloated, the scale says I’m up about a pound.

Size of the baby: Blueberry sized! Q’s favorite fruit!

Emotional stuff: I hate to say it but all of the nausea and generally feeling like garbage has made me really cranky. Looking back on my updates from being pregnant with Q I realize I had a really easy time of it with her so I got to focus on the “OMG I’m having a baby!” part of things but this time it’s more like “OMG how am I going to get through the day and keep Q busy and not barf.” Yeah. Nowhere near as glamorous!

Physical stuff: Have I mentioned that I feel nauseated pretty much 24/7? I picked up some Sea Bands at Target and they help, but they don’t cure it. It’s so counter intuitive to feel like you’re going to lose your lunch and then force yourself to EAT to make it better. Especially when food seems like the enemy. It’s supremely unfair that one meal that tastes great and makes me feel great on day, makes me gag the next day.

I can’t stop eating: French Fries. They settle my stomach… usually. Carbs are usually my friend… except when they aren’t. ugh.

I can’t even look at: I’d tell you but I might throw up. Pretty much everything.

Fitness: I’ve still been walking with Q as much as I can.

Birth prep: nada

Baby prep: nada

Breastfeeding: It hurts but Q still thinks it’s the best thing ever. Lately she’s been looking at me and saying “Mommy, Peas” and signing for milk. It’s the sweetest thing ever. I still have milk so we’re continuing to play it by ear!


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